Liam's Choice Artists quotes

Liam's Choice Artists quotes

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Reason I Paint

Hello reader!

Thanks for your interest and for stopping by! This is the first blog I’ve ever
attempted. After much thought, I’ve decided not to use my blog as a journal or
as a place to rant, or as a personal exposé.

Instead, I have decided I would rather stay on point and talk about art, using
this blog to offer up thoughts that keep me inspired to paint.

Leonard Cohen once wrote a poem called “The Reason I Write”. When an
artist as accomplished as Mr. Cohen declares the reason he does what he does,
it will always make for good reading:

The reason I write
is to make something
as beautiful as you are
When I'm with you
I want to be the kind of hero
I wanted to be
when I was seven years old
a perfect man

who kills

Of course, with a title like "the reason I write", I'd expect the poem to say something like "I want to say something romantic or meaningful... I want to change the world... I like to play with words... etc", but the poem isn’t quite what I expected, it’s so much more, and a little, uh, special, being that he wants to kill somebody and all.

My point is this: This blog is about the reason I paint. I aim to make it good
reading and I’ll try to keep the violence to a minimum. ;)

Click here to view the eBay listing for my latest landscape

See my complete listings here

I've just opened a new .com website address that will soon replace

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Welcome to

Liam Jones Fine Art

Toronto Ontario, Canada.

Visual music, devotional, decorative,

portrait, figures, landscape,

realistic and abstract paintings

in Acrylic and Oil.

Paintings in many sizes and price ranges