Liam's Choice Artists quotes

Liam's Choice Artists quotes

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Reason I Paint

Hello reader!

Thanks for your interest and for stopping by! This is the first blog I’ve ever
attempted. After much thought, I’ve decided not to use my blog as a journal or
as a place to rant, or as a personal exposé.

Instead, I have decided I would rather stay on point and talk about art, using
this blog to offer up thoughts that keep me inspired to paint.

Leonard Cohen once wrote a poem called “The Reason I Write”. When an
artist as accomplished as Mr. Cohen declares the reason he does what he does,
it will always make for good reading:

The reason I write
is to make something
as beautiful as you are
When I'm with you
I want to be the kind of hero
I wanted to be
when I was seven years old
a perfect man

who kills

Of course, with a title like "the reason I write", I'd expect the poem to say something like "I want to say something romantic or meaningful... I want to change the world... I like to play with words... etc", but the poem isn’t quite what I expected, it’s so much more, and a little, uh, special, being that he wants to kill somebody and all.

My point is this: This blog is about the reason I paint. I aim to make it good
reading and I’ll try to keep the violence to a minimum. ;)

Click here to view the eBay listing for my latest landscape

See my complete listings here

I've just opened a new .com website address that will soon replace

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