Liam's Choice Artists quotes

Liam's Choice Artists quotes

Saturday, May 2, 2009

New Paintings

These are my latest abstract paintings, now for sale on eBay.

If you like these abstracts or hate these abstracts, let me know! Leave a comment.

There are more to come.


Jill Smith said...

I love your art, l get abstract alerts from google and today l was looking ar art that just had squares on block backgrounds no thinking just fill the canvass up then yours came up and its great and there is thinking behind it, keep painting,

Liam said...

Thanks, Jill! Yes, I think my way through most painting. There's a time for improve and a time for action, but I like to see things through to "working". Without "seeing" and working out the composition, bad things can happen. These paintings took a lot of looking at. Thanks a bunch!