Liam's Choice Artists quotes

Liam's Choice Artists quotes

Friday, February 24, 2012

Here are my latest paintings, on sale on eBay

contemporary abstract art

Monday, February 20, 2012

I found an artist I really like the other day: Jean-Francois Provost. It's so great to live in the age of the internet and Google. Exposure to artists like this is just a click away.
First thing that catches me about this guy's work is his strong design. This particular painting is an early favourite, because of the strong contrast and earth tones, and the very painterly approach. He's got that wonderful organic and mysterious effect that I look for in abstract painting. Provost uses collé frequently, and that wonderful knack for composition is seen throughout. Here's some more that I think are just wonderful:

Here's Provost's website.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Equine Art

Here's my latest equine painting. It's 36x48", acrylic on canvas, available in my eBay store. The rustic feel is matched with a modern and light handling, bridging the gap between contemporary and traditional. I'm interested in the message of fraternity and healthy relationships.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Jesus Carrying The Cross

Jesus carrying the cross, christian painting by Liam Jones 2012

Here is my latest painting titled "Jesus Carrying The Cross". Acrylic on Canvas, 36x48", available at my eBay store or direct, from my website

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Painting for me is a lot like a messy and bold jazz solo: the energy is directed at being a strong voice, playing on the fly, just laying it down. It's imperfect and fun as hell!

Here's my latest painting, available on eBay

Monday, February 6, 2012

Painting just kicks butt

Sometimes when I'm working through a painting, I get this feeling of excitement. Today, working on this painting here, I got that rush. A big smile broke out on my face as the design started to take shape at this moment:

I'm showing this photo as a snapshot of my process. I have no idea at this point, how this painting is going to turn out. What I think is that I'm going to keep the abundance of white negative space, keep it minimal and raw, playing off the rule of thirds in the design. I like the wash effects, but won't get too carried away in that direction. I may choose to move towards transparencies. Who knows.

Check out my work on eBay. If you see this blog after February 6th 2012, check out my website, eBay or my Etsy store to see the finished product.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Today I'm finishing a painting of Jesus carrying the cross, and a number of abstracts are in progress. I wonder what the working people are doing?
See what's new at my eBay store